You will need to load your account using a credit card. You may also load money at one of the Library Service counters. Be sure to have your KPU card with you when doing this.
More details about printing can be found on Scan, Print, Copy, & Fines.
You can print directly from any of the computers in the Library or wirelessly from your own personal device. For instructions, visit IT's Printing page.
For printing from a KPU computer, you simply need to select 'Print' from the program you are using and send your print job to a KPU MFP (Multi-function printer).
Be sure to select the colour printer if you want a colour print out.
To release and pay for your print job, proceed to a MFP (for colour print jobs, you'll have to go to the colour printer) and tap your KPU card on the black scanner to log in. Follow the instructions on the printer to print and receive your print job.
For photocopying, proceed directly to the MFP after you load money onto your Papercut account and tap your KPU card. The amount will be deducted as you photocopy.
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