Last Updated: Jun 19, 2024     Views: 237


As much as we'd like to, it's not possible for the library to purchase new editions of textbooks for every course offered. However, we do have textbooks available for some of our classes. Here's how you can search the library.


1. Use the catalogue to search for your textbook

Search using a few keywords from the title of your textbook. Adding one of the author's last names can be helpful. Next, sort your results by Newest first and this should display results so that newest editions appear near the top of the list.

The screenshot below shows a catalogue search for the textbook Microeconomics by Christopher Ragan. The catalogue record indicates the edition and publication date. Check this against your course outline to make sure it's the right one. Also note that this copy is kept at the Surrey Checkout Counter - Course Reserves for 2 hour in-library use.


Screenshot. Search the catalogue for your textbook.















In some cases, it may be possible to use an older edition of a textbook. The library generally keeps one or two older editions in the general collection. These may be borrowed for regular loan periods. Check with your instructor first to see if an older edition is acceptable.

2. Search for it in Course Reserves

Some instructors place textbooks on Course Reserve to ensure that all students in a class have access to it. They are available for shorter borrowing times, and cannot be renewed. To see if your instructor has done this for your class, use the Course Reserves lookup, located above the Summon Search box on the library homepage. You may search by instructor's last name, or by 4 letter course code and number (i.e., PSYC 1100). 

Screenshot. Use course reserves lookup to find a textbook on reserve.










Don't see your textbook in the library?

Try the KPU Bookstore.


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